
How do I prepare my child for their first visit to the dentist?

Your child may be nervous at first—and you may feel a bit on edge yourself—but children love it here, and with Justin Mund, DDS treating your child, he or she may not want to go home!

Just let your child know that there is a dental chair that goes up and down. There are video games, toys, and adults everywhere who encourage raucous laughter and play, adults who are always ready to share a joke or a smile.

We are a judgment-free dental office and have the warmest team around!

We recommend the following:

  • Don’t let your child know that you’re feeling anxious. Children tend to pick up on and share parental anxiety. If your child sees that you’re looking forward to the appointment, he or she will be more likely to feel at ease.
  • Don’t mention procedures, but talk about teeth counting and gentle brushing instead.  
  • Emphasize the fun that they will have at Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics.
  • Let them know that they are starting their journey toward Smile Ninja status! Only for the brave and strong.

Do braces hurt?

Getting braces is a big change to everyone when they first get them, so it will take some time to get adjusted to having them on. The first appointment is no big deal because all we are doing is cementing brackets to the face of your teeth. What patients experience with braces as discomfort or soreness is from the pressures each time we tighten and the bone movements that are then caused below. This is actually a very good sign! It means your teeth are starting to slowly shift into a straighter smile which is what we want. The goal of braces is to align your teeth by adjusting your bite, turning your teeth and creating more/less space for your teeth depending on the situation. Most of the discomfort is usually experienced right after your monthly adjustment. Just like new shoes when you first get them, your feet experience discomfort. After wearing them for a few weeks, your feet get used to how they feel. Similarly, your mouth and lips are very much the same. After the first couple of visits, it gets easier but we do recommend some Ibuprofen, if needed, to help with your discomfort from the adjustments. You may also experience pain or discomfort from what you eat while wearing braces. Some foods to avoid when wearing braces would be anything hard, crunchy, sticky or chewy/gummy. The better you take care of your braces, the less likely you will experience any kind of pain or discomfort.

Why might someone need orthodontic treatment?

Individuals might require orthodontic treatment for several reasons, including crooked or crowded teeth, overbites, underbites, crossbites, or other misalignments of the teeth and jaw.

How long will my child have to wear braces?

The duration of treatment with braces varies depending on the individual's case. On average, people wear braces for 18 to 24 months, but complex cases might take longer.

Are there different types of braces?

Yes! Traditional metal braces are the most common, but there are also ceramic braces (which are tooth-colored), lingual braces (positioned behind the teeth), and clear aligners.

What is Phase 1 Orthodontics?

Phase 1 Orthodontics, also known as early interceptive orthodontics, is a treatment for children typically aged 6 to 10. It aims to treat and prevent developing orthodontic issues, making future treatments simpler or, in some cases, unnecessary.

How does Phase 1 Orthodontics differ from traditional orthodontics?

While traditional orthodontics often starts during the early teen years when all permanent teeth have come in, Phase 1 Orthodontics begins earlier to address concerns in the developing mouth. It might involve space maintainers, partial braces, or growth modification devices.

Is Phase 1 Orthodontics always necessary?

Not always. Some children have dental development that proceeds without significant issues. However, for kids showing early signs of bite or alignment problems, Phase 1 Orthodontics can be beneficial.

Will my child still need braces after Phase 1 Orthodontics?

It depends. Some children might still require braces or another orthodontic appliance after Phase 1 treatment, but the duration and complexity of this treatment can often be reduced.

How do I know if my child is a candidate for Phase 1 Orthodontics?

If you notice early signs of crowded teeth, issues with biting or chewing, or if there's a family history of orthodontic concerns, it's a good idea to consult an orthodontist by age 7.

Is orthodontic treatment painful?

While getting braces or other orthodontic devices fitted isn't painful, some discomfort might be felt as the teeth begin to move. This discomfort typically lasts only a few days and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

How should my child care for their braces?

Maintain excellent oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly. Avoid sticky, hard, or chewy foods that can damage the braces. Regular checkups with the orthodontist are essential to ensure everything is progressing well.

How often will my child need checkups during orthodontic treatment?

Typically, patients with braces have check-ups every 4 to 8 weeks. However, the frequency can vary depending on the specific treatment plan.

What happens after braces are removed?

After braces are removed, patients usually wear retainers to hold the teeth in their new positions and prevent them from shifting back.

Are braces just for kids?

No, many adults also get braces or other orthodontic treatments. It's never too late to improve your smile!

Dental Checkups

Why do I need a checkup if I eat healthy?

It's great to eat healthy, whole foods but what we often see is that some healthy foods can still cause problems with teeth. A few examples are apples and oranges because they have natural sugars and some can be acidic and harmful if too much is eaten. Especially if left on teeth too long without brushing, they can then become a source of decay. Another bad habit we see in toddlers often is milk being kept in the mouth for extended periods of time. Milk also contains natural sugars, and if a baby is constantly sipping, it can damage the teeth. Too much of anything can be harmful and it's important to get check-ups regularly so that your doctor can go over any signs of decay they may see.

It's not just candy or sweets that can cause cavities! The best solution would be maintaining a regular and thorough brushing and flossing routine. We don't discourage sweet treats, but will always recommend proper oral hygiene steps be taken after they are consumed.

What is a dental checkup?

A dental checkup is a routine examination of your teeth, gums, and mouth by a dentist to ensure your oral health is in good condition. It often includes teeth cleaning, a dental exam, and X-rays.

How often should my child have a dental checkup?

We recommend a checkup every six months to help your child achieve and maintain great oral health. However, children with specific dental issues or health conditions might need more frequent visits.

How long does a checkup usually take?

A typical dental checkup, including cleaning, lasts between 30 minutes to an hour.

Are dental X-rays safe?

Yes, dental X-rays are safe. The radiation exposure is minimal, especially with modern digital X-rays, which emit a very low dose of radiation.

Why is teeth cleaning necessary?

Teeth cleaning helps remove plaque and tartar that regular brushing and flossing might miss. This helps prevent cavities and gum disease.

Will the checkup be painful?

Dental checkups are generally pain-free. If any discomfort is anticipated, the dentist will use local anesthesia or laughing gas to ensure the patient's comfort.

How should I prepare for my dental checkup?

Brush and floss your teeth before the appointment. If it's your first visit, bring any past dental records or X-rays, and have a list of medications you're currently taking.

What if I haven't been to the dentist in a long time?

It's never too late to start prioritizing your oral health. Inform your dentist about the duration since your last visit, and they'll provide guidance on the next steps.

Are dental checkups necessary even if I have no dental issues?

Absolutely! Regular checkups can prevent potential problems, ensuring your oral health remains in top condition.

How can I ease my child's anxiety about their dental checkup?

Talk to them about what to expect, make the visit sound positive, and consider scheduling a pre-visit to familiarize them with the dental office. Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics places emphasis on creating a fun, child-friendly environment to ensure kids feel at ease during their visits.

What should I do between dental checkups?

Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day, flossing daily, using mouthwash, and adopting a balanced diet. If you notice any dental issues, contact your dentist promptly.

General Dentistry

What is different about Smile Ninja Dental?

We, here at Smile Ninja, love working with children and instilling healthy habits in young people that can last a lifetime. It is our goal to make each child feel special and enjoy a positive experience in our Fort Worth, TX dental office. We pride ourselves in creating relationships with our patients and their families!

By instilling pride in their smiles through our Smile Ninja approach to dentistry, we find that kids are eager to please Dr. Mund and his entire staff, which leads to better brushing and flossing habits at home.  

Additionally, our strengths lie in taking the very best care of our littlest patients but we also are dentists for the whole family. We can be your one stop for all of your families’ needs, including restorative treatments such as fillings, crown, and orthodontics. Smile Ninja is a place where a mom takes the kids to get everything she needs for their dental health in a fun environment. Our goal is to help younger patients learn to be great adult patients. Our patients love to visit as we try to make our office a happy place to be! Not many people can say that about visiting dentists in the past.

Bring your child to our Fort Worth, TX dental office today. We think you’ll be surprised by how much your son or daughter will love it here. We are here to provide quality dental care for all patients in a safe and enjoyable environment, free of stress and judgment.

And remember, we love treating moms and dads, too!

Do you see adults?

At Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics we primarily see children, but we always make time for moms and dads. Justin Mund, DDS moves between age groups seamlessly, and displays the same attention to detail with each patient.

For adults, we offer preventive dentistry, which includes regular dental exams, twice-yearly teeth cleanings, and periodic x-rays in our Fort Worth, TX dental office. Dr. Mund also provides dental maintenance through general dentistry. This includes anything you may need to keep you smile healthy. Examples of general dentistry include fillings and root canals.

Dr. Mund is also a CandidPro provider. This means clear and discreet braces for teens and older adults—more affordable than Invisalign and more comfortable than traditional wire braces. And don’t forget to treat yourself to a professional teeth whitening treatment! We think you deserve it.

Additionally, our Fort Worth, TX office promotes prevention at home and gives you the tools through oral health education to maintain a great oral hygiene routine based on your needs. This begins with brushing and flossing at least twice per day.

Dentistry should be a family affair, and we invite parents to be part of our Smile Ninja team.

Why is my child grinding their teeth?

It can be a little alarming when your baby or child clenches their teeth and grind them. While the sounds of a baby grinding teeth can make you cringe and you might worry if they’re damaging those newly erupted pearly whites, it’s very common and usually completely normal.

Adults can often grind as well which they can get a night guard to protect the teeth from damage. But children are growing, and would outgrow one very fast, so this isn't as much of an option for them.

Sometimes children grind as they are just growing and the bite is setting in.  Sometimes its just a habit like sleep walking. Other times, we've seen it associated with enlarged tonsils, snoring and even sleep apnea. When we snore we are cutting off oxygen to the brain that we would get by breathing normally. The brain needs plenty to produce hormones that help us recover and feel more alert during the daytime. Children could be clenching or grinding without knowing why as it has a result of stiffening their airway, thus allowing that air to pass better when sleeping.

What can we do? Studies have shown that temporary pads can be placed on the teeth to protect them from clenching too much and opening their bite. This allows more air to pass when breathing at night. They are called bite turbos or bite blocks which we use often here in the office. A bite block's main function is to correct a misaligned bite which would help open up the airway as well for the child.

Is it normal to bleed after seeing the dentist?

There are many causes of bleeding gums. Most of these can easily be fixed, but some can also be a sign of more serious oral issues needing to be addressed.

Many people get nervous when they see blood of any kind, but it's pretty common for gums to bleed. However, that does not mean it's a good thing.

The most common reason for bleeding gums is due to 'gingivitis' which is a mild infection of the gumline where buildup of plaque is at its earliest stage. Your gums become swollen, tender, and can bleed during brushing or flossing. We see this quite often, and in simple terms, it tells us that these areas need to be cleaned better. Brushing and flossing thoroughly and consistently usually resolves this. Regular exams allow us to help you in identifying these areas and we can give you tips on how to improve what you’re doing at home! During regular cleanings, we can then remove anything you are missing at home allowing your gums to remain healthy and happy!

The next thing we see is periodontal disease, which is a chronic infection in the gums due to years of infection and inflammation near the gums resulting in bone loss around the teeth. These patients will always need to keep up with their cleanings and most tend to visit every 3 months to stay on top of the disease. If it's been years for these patients since the last cleaning, their gums will likely bleed after removing the tartar from their teeth, but they will be on their way to becoming healthier!

For a lot of dental treatment we are able to send you home knowing that you won't have any bleeding. However, for some procedures like removing a tooth, there will definitely be bleeding. Oozing or bleeding can last up to 48 hours after treatment and is normal. Use gauze as directed. Alternatively, a home remedy is placing a tea bag on the area to help it clot.

Another reason gums bleed after dental work could be that the tooth being treated was near the gums. When this happens it heals pretty quickly due to the nature of the gum tissue.

When you need dental treatment, we go over the "post-op expectations" with you so that you are prepared. We also remind you that when we have to numb your mouth for your dental treatment, it is vital not to put your hands in your mouth or eat/drink until your mouth “wakes up.” If you don't wait, you could accidentally harm your gums, cheeks, or tongue, as you cannot feel them. This could also cause unexpected bleeding.

Is biting your nails bad for your teeth?

Biting anything that is not food is terrible for our teeth! The grinding friction of teeth against nails can gradually wear the enamel away, or even cause teeth to chip or crack.

In addition to leaving the nails torn, uneven, and doing damage to the nail beds, nail biting can lead to a variety of oral health complications. Dirt and germs get trapped under our fingernails, and when we chew on them, that all gets transferred to our mouths, which can result in gum disease. Nails, plastic, clothes, anything you don't intend on swallowing should be avoided completely. A nail biting habit can increase a person’s risk of developing a chronic teeth-grinding habit as well, which comes with even more oral health problems, along with headaches and soreness.

What are some ways to prevent it? We've heard a lot of solutions like, gels painted on the nails that taste bitter or spicy, trimming your nails regularly, getting a manicure or stopping as a gradual process, choosing one nail at a time to stop biting.

Are electric toothbrushes better?

While we recommend electric toothbrushes and offer them in our office, we believe that something is better than nothing of course.  Electric, or Sonicare, toothbrushes do part of the work for you by creating the circular motion or vibration of brushing with a regular toothbrush. For kids, we like them to get used to the motion of electric toothbrushes, and we find that these kids behave better at their appointments because it's not as big of a difference for them. Electric toothbrushes make it more likely to brush for the recommended amount of time since they all generally have a timer on them for 2 minutes.

So why do we suggest them? Not because they clean your teeth better than if you brushed properly with a manual toothbrush. But it makes the process of brushing more consistent and for the appropriate time, each time. Also for children, some electric toothbrushes can be paired to a phone app. This makes it engaging and less like a tedious task that they have to do and more of an enjoyable experience to have fun with. We have also seen other ‘toothbrushes’ in different shapes that generally we won't recommend at all due to the fact that they rarely even reach the gumline in most cases and can lead to decay, gingivitis, and even periodontal disease.

Why are baby teeth important?

Many people believe losing baby teeth before their time is not a big deal. Other teeth will grow in later, so why do they matter?

The truth is baby teeth help your child learn to chew and speak properly, and they act as place holders for permanent teeth, leading the way for adult teeth to come in correctly. Additionally, decay or bacteria can spread from a baby tooth to the adult tooth below the gumline and compromise that tooth before it has a chance to emerge healthily.

Wiping your baby’s gums with a damp cloth in infancy to clear away bacteria and establishing good brushing habits when teeth emerge is a great way to shelter baby teeth that, in turn, protect adult teeth.

It’s also important to visit Justin Mund, DDS regularly for exams and visit out Fort Worth, TX dental office for twice-yearly cleanings at Dr. Mund’s earliest recommendation.

Remember, baby teeth set the stage for adult teeth, so caring for these early teeth is vital for your child’s long-term dental health.

How often should I visit Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics for a checkup?

For most patients, we recommend a dental checkup and cleaning every six months. Regular visits ensure early detection and treatment of potential dental issues.

What is the difference between a cavity filling and a crown?

A cavity filling is used to repair a small area of tooth decay, while a crown (or cap) covers and strengthens a tooth that might be damaged or decayed beyond what a filling can repair.

Is a root canal painful?

Modern root canal procedures are designed to be as comfortable as possible. At Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics, we use advanced techniques and anesthesia to ensure minimal discomfort during and after the procedure.

When is tooth extraction necessary?

Tooth extractions may be recommended for various reasons, including severe decay, infection, crowding, or damage beyond repair. We ensure a smooth process with a focus on patient comfort.

What are the signs that I might need wisdom tooth removal?

Signs that you might need your wisdom teeth removed include pain, swelling, infections in the back of your mouth, or teeth crowding. However, an examination and X-ray at our office will give a clear indication.

Can I schedule a joint appointment for my child and me?

Yes! We are all about family dentistry. Feel free to set up joint appointments for your convenience and to make dental care a family affair.

What should I do in the event of a dental emergency?

In case of a dental emergency, such as a broken tooth or severe pain, contact us immediately. We'll guide you on the next steps and ensure you get the care you need as soon as possible.

How can I maintain good oral health between checkups?

Regular brushing (at least twice daily), flossing daily, maintaining a balanced diet, and avoiding excessive sugary foods and drinks are essential. Regular checkups and cleanings at Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics will also play a pivotal role.

Pediatric Dentistry

How can I help prevent my child from getting cavities?

The best way to avoid cavities in children is to lessen or eliminate sugary snacks and beverages. This includes sweetened sports drinks, certain cereals, crackers, sweetened gummy vitamins, and fruit juices.

Another good practice is instilling good oral hygiene habits in children when they are very young. The team at Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics can help with this. We find that our littlest patients enjoy their Smile Ninja status and sharing good oral-health news with parents and staff members following exams.

In infants, we recommend rubbing their gums with a damp cloth to gently clear away bacteria. Justin Mund, DDS may also suggest a special toothbrush after your child’s first few teeth erupt. It’s also important to remember to use only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste because young children tend to swallow the paste.

These practices are a great start when it comes to reducing cavities, but regular dental exams and cleanings are still critical to remove the stubborn bacteria that brushing leaves behind.

Our Fort Worth, TX dental office also offers fluoride and dental sealants to strengthen your child’s teeth and help prevent cavities.

At Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics, we believe that keeping a child’s teeth healthy relies on a partnership between parents, our team, and eventually, your child as he or she grows.

Is it necessary to fix cavities in baby teeth?

Yes, baby teeth will fall out eventually. But their gums, tongue, and cheeks won't, so the bacteria won't be leaving with the baby teeth. It will just travel to the permanent teeth! Which means the cavities are only going to get bigger and cause infection in the mouth. That can lead to serious health problems. Taking care of cavities early on can ensure a healthy oral cavity for life if proper hygiene is followed as well.

Studies have found that a cavity needs 4 things to form. A tooth, food, time, and the bacteria that cause decay. Once this bacteria gets into the mouth and multiplies, it can attack other teeth. As early as the age of 5, children can grow permanent teeth and if the baby teeth have cavities, it can spread to the permanent teeth easily. We want to get ALL of the cavities out so that we give kids a healthy start with their adult teeth.

Another way we have seen cavities form can be attributed to their family also! As we share food with mom, dad, grandparents or siblings who have cavities, it can pass to the kids. This is why it's important for everyone in the family to take care of their oral health and treat any issues they may have.

Why is my child crying?

Here at Smile Ninja, we know all too well the fear and anxiety that some children can experience when seeing the Dentist. We work tirelessly to give your child a relaxed and memorable environment when they come into our office. Creating positive experiences at a young age is important in creating healthy oral habits for life. By maintaining consistent positive visits, we can ensure healthy habits as they get older. When patients cry, it often is associated with the fear of not understanding what is happening around them or what is being done for them. That is why we strive so hard to create positive habits. We strive to help your children become comfortable and allow our staff to complete any treatment necessary. We love when children are curious and ask questions about the equipment we use and what to expect! Our goal is a positive experience. The more we can explain how we brush their teeth, take x-rays, and do a full exam or any other treatment in an age-appropriate manner, the less likely they are to be afraid.

Are we a pediatric dentist?

We are general dentists with a focus on the whole family's dental needs. While we love seeing children, we also see adults quite often as well. We strive for a safe, attentive, fun, but efficient experience for all our families. We make the office fun and positive for everyone. We offer many amenities for patient entertainment like a playroom, prize wall, a toy machine and we allow them to pick out their favorite shows on Netflix to watch while we look over their teeth. All of this makes them look forward to seeing us at our offices.

Pediatric dentists focus solely on the development of teeth from first eruption through their teenage years. Here at Smile Ninja Dental, we care for almost all ages as well as special needs patients who need focused care when it comes to dentistry.

At what age should my child first see the dentist?

At Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics, we follow guidelines established by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, which states that children should be seen by a dentist before their first birthday.

Following these guidelines helps Justin Mund, DDS oversee your child’s earliest tooth eruptions and helps him take care of any potential problems early. The goal of our Fort Worth, TX dental office, after all, is to set your child on a course for excellent dental health into adulthood.

It is important to bring your child in as soon as they begin to have teeth showing! This usually occurs around 6 months old. Things can change quickly at this age. Even babies under 12 months old can have cavities! Cavities can occur on the back of teeth where parents can’t see and in locations you can see. Ideally, babies should be seen every 3 months up until they are 3 years old. This way, we can catch everything early on and teach parents how to care for their babies’ teeth. After age 3, we start seeing them every 6 months.

Here at Smile Ninja Dental, the goal is to set your children on a course for excellent dental health all the way into adulthood. It is important to establish healthy oral habits early in order to help prevent decay and to build a relationship of trust with the dentist. We are big believers in preventative dentistry meaning we provide you with helpful tips and practical advice to keep your child’s teeth healthy at home. Our team always partners with parents in this way because we know that parents are the very best advocates for their children. Our doctors have plenty of experience when it comes to children's dental care and love going over anything you can do to help your child maintain healthy oral habits.

Our little Smile Ninjas love our dental office, and we’re sure that your child will love it, too.

Why are baby teeth important?

While baby teeth are temporary, they play a crucial role in a child's oral development. They aid in speech, help with proper chewing of food, and reserve space for the permanent teeth. Maintaining their health can prevent future dental issues.

What are dental sealants and does my child need them?

Dental sealants are thin protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars. They act as a barrier against decay-causing bacteria. Sealants are especially beneficial for children who are more susceptible to cavities.

How often should my child see the dentist?

For most children, we recommend a checkup and cleaning every six months. Regular visits allow us to monitor your child's oral development, catch potential issues early, and reinforce good dental habits.

What is Phase 1 Orthodontics?

Phase 1 Orthodontics, often termed "early intervention orthodontics," is designed to address bite and spacing issues in growing children, usually between the ages of 6 and 10. It sets the stage for successful Phase 2 Orthodontics when all the permanent teeth have erupted.

My child has a dental emergency. What should I do?

Firstly, stay calm. Contact our office immediately, and we'll provide guidance on the next steps. Whether it's a broken tooth or a toothache, we're here to assist and ensure your child's comfort and safety.

What if my child is anxious about dental visits?

It's common for children to feel apprehensive about dental appointments. At Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics, our team is trained to work with children of all temperaments. We use kid-friendly language, offer distractions, and employ techniques to ensure a positive experience.

Are fluoride treatments necessary for my child?

Fluoride strengthens the tooth enamel and helps prevent tooth decay. While it's commonly found in tap water and toothpaste, a professional fluoride treatment can offer additional protection, especially for children at higher risk for cavities.

How can I prepare my child for their first dental visit?

Speak positively about the dentist, read them children's books about dental visits, and let them know what to expect. You can also practice "playing dentist" at home or bring them for a non-appointment visit to familiarize them with the office environment.

Sedation Dentistry

Is sedation dentistry safe for children?

Yes, with our trained staff and thorough protocols, sedation dentistry is safe for children.

How long does the sedation effect last?

The duration varies depending on the type of sedation. Oral sedation might last longer than laughing gas, which wears off soon after the procedure.

Will I be unconscious during the procedure with oral sedation?

No, you'll be drowsy and might even doze off, but you'll still be somewhat responsive if prompted.

Can I drive my child home after their procedure with laughing gas?

Yes, the effects of laughing gas wear off rapidly, and your child will return to their usual state soon after the procedure.

How do you ensure safety during sedation?

Our team consistently monitors vital signs, conducts health checks prior to procedures, and is well-prepared with emergency equipment and protocols.

Is sedation dentistry covered by insurance?

Coverage varies based on your insurance plan. It's best to consult with your insurance provider or our office for specific details.

Special Needs Dentistry

What special needs do you cater to?

We are trained and equipped to work with children with a range of special needs, including autism, Down syndrome, behavioral challenges, high anxiety, and more.

What are your "quiet hours"?

Our quiet hours are scheduled times in the morning when our office is calmer and less busy, ensuring a relaxed environment for our differently-abled Smile Ninjas.

Can I stay with my child during their appointment?

Absolutely. We understand that being with a trusted person can make the experience more comfortable for your child.

Do you use sedation for special-needs children?

We offer nitrous oxide and other gentle sedation methods when appropriate. We always prioritize the child's comfort and safety.

How do you handle behavioral challenges during a visit?

Our team is trained in patience and understanding. We work collaboratively with parents and guardians to create an environment of trust and comfort. We never rush and always prioritize the child's well-being.

Are there any additional charges for special-needs dentistry?

Our primary goal is the welfare of our young patients. Any potential additional costs are discussed transparently with parents beforehand.

How do you handle emergencies or unexpected reactions?

Our team is thoroughly trained to handle a variety of situations. We prioritize the safety and comfort of our patients above all and have protocols in place for emergencies.

Emergency Dentistry

What should I do if my child's tooth is knocked out?

Keep the tooth moist and avoid touching the root. Place it in milk or hold it inside the cheek (for older kids). Contact us immediately.

How soon should I contact the dentist in case of an emergency?

Reach out to us immediately. Prompt care can make all the difference in dental emergencies.

Is tooth sensitivity an emergency?

While not always an emergency, persistent tooth sensitivity should be addressed. Contact us to discuss any unusual oral sensations or discomfort.

Are dental X-rays safe for children?

Yes, dental X-rays are safe and vital in diagnosing hidden issues that might lead to emergencies down the road.

What if my child has a dental emergency after hours?

Call our office. We'll provide guidance on immediate steps and arrange for care as soon as possible.

Is every toothache an emergency?

Not all toothaches are emergencies. However, if the pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by other symptoms like swelling, it's best to contact us.

How can I relieve my child's dental pain at home before the appointment?

Over-the-counter pain relievers, cold compresses, and saltwater rinses might offer temporary relief. Always consult with us or your pediatrician before administering any medication.

Crowns and Bridges

Why does my child need silver crowns?

Dental crowns are used to cover teeth with large cavities that fillings can’t repair. Dental crowns act as a protective covering over the tooth, preventing chips, fractures, breakage, and future decay. If decay on a baby tooth is close enough to the nerve or the tooth is damaged enough that it could break, a stainless steel crown is the treatment of choice as it works best long term. Often, if a child has a large cavity on a baby tooth, the silver crown will be required to save the tooth. We don't want to extract teeth with cavities unless needed, and the crown saves the space for the permanent tooth to erupt!


What should I do if my child's tooth is knocked out?

Keep the tooth moist and avoid touching the root. Place it in milk or hold it inside the cheek (for older kids). Contact us immediately.

How soon should I contact the dentist in case of an emergency?

Reach out to us immediately. Prompt care can make all the difference in dental emergencies.

Is tooth sensitivity an emergency?

While not always an emergency, persistent tooth sensitivity should be addressed. Contact us to discuss any unusual oral sensations or discomfort.

Are dental X-rays safe for children?

Yes, dental X-rays are safe and vital in diagnosing hidden issues that might lead to emergencies down the road.

What if my child has a dental emergency after hours?

Call our office. We'll provide guidance on immediate steps and arrange for care as soon as possible.

Is every toothache an emergency?

Not all toothaches are emergencies. However, if the pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by other symptoms like swelling, it's best to contact us.

How can I relieve my child's dental pain at home before the appointment?

Over-the-counter pain relievers, cold compresses, and saltwater rinses might offer temporary relief. Always consult with us or your pediatrician before administering any medication.

Teeth Whitening

Is teeth whitening safe?

While teeth whitening is considered safe, you may experience some side effects from treatments. Teeth sensitivity and irritated gums are most common with whitening. Avoid getting the treatment gel on your gums as well as not ingesting it. Keep in mind that you cannot whiten your teeth on a permanent basis. You’ll need to seek whitening treatments every so often for both extrinsic and intrinsic discoloration. Also, keep in mind that these products are for natural teeth. You’ll need to talk to your dentist about how to unify the color of your teeth if you have implants, crowns, bridges, or dentures. Make sure to use the method that fits your needs and always follow the directions for the product.

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