Dr. Justin Mund

DDS / Smile Ninja

Justin Mund, DDS is a graduate of Texas A&M, and he received his DDS from UT Houston.

He loves working with kids and making dental visits a positive experience for children of all ages. He also enjoys coming to work each day, tackling new challenges, and helping to improve patient health through innovative dentistry. He pays close attention to eliminating pain and educating kids and parents on the importance of good oral health. Dr. Mund believes that going to the dentist can be a fun and memorable experience for patients of all ages.

“One of the best parts of the day is someone coming in for their first dental appointment,” Dr. Mund says. “It’s so rewarding to be part of a big step in their lives.”

When he is not at work, Dr. Mund enjoys spending time with family, including his Frenchie Lucita Bonita. His hobbies include hiking, running, making Smile Ninja Dental & Orthodontics better, going to his children’s sporting events, and joining them in games of Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros.

a man in a black shirt is standing with his arms crossed
I have a French bulldog named Lucita Bonita (aka Cookie Dough).
I love chili con carne and I'll put it on anything I can!
My favorite sports teams are the Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Stars, and the Texas Aggies.

Continue the doctor's bio here

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