Dr. Farnaz Athari

DDS / Smile Ninja

Farnaz Athari, DDS graduated from the University of Nevada Las Vegas for her undergraduate degree. She then attended the University of the Pacific for her dental degree.

Dr. Athari has been here in the DFW for nearly a decade and is proud to call herself a Texan. She enjoys practicing dentistry and helping you care for your teeth! She strives to treat each person as her own family and works towards making your visit as comfortable and fun as possible. In her free time, Dr. Athari loves spending time with her family and friends. She especially enjoys being in nature or gardening at home. Though, her favorite activity is getting goofy with her son and seeing the world through a child’s eyes.

Dr. Athari is excited to be a part of the Smile Ninja family and looks forward to seeing you, helping you reach a happy and healthy mouth, and educating you on any dental related questions!

a woman in a white shirt smiling at the camera

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